Thursday, March 10, 2011

So, yeah.

So in nine days I'll be in Boston which is totally exciting! Let the spontaneous adventures begin! I have still failed to start packing. I need to start that like ASAP. I believe I'll pack at least twenty outfits & like ten pairs of shoes. It's typical of me to over pack but it's better to over pack then under pack! Just sayin'. I'm just not excited to wake up at like 6:00 AM to catch my flight at 9:00 AM. It's a little early but it's completely worth it. I get to be with my favorite five two girl & do what we do best, shop. That's probably thee only exciting thing going on in my life right now. Everything else, kinda sucks. This weekend I decided to give up on what was going to be the best thing in my life. Is there something wrong with me?! Like seriously, why would I do such a thing to myself?! It's easier to throw in the towel than go through it. It wasn't until last night, it wasn't until one text, one simple text message that made me go, "you aren't getting rid of the best thing that's in your life, the one thing that makes you happy, the one thing that makes you smile everyday, the one thing that keeps you going, the one thing that makes you feel so alive." That's seriously the most irrational thing I have EVER thought of in my life. & I can be pretty irrational. But that was just over the top. It's so unnecessary to do this. But enough of that. I had this tragic scare of this fake midterm for my history class. I think I got like two hours of sleep last night. I was having nightmares about this thing, but it was a false alarm. I saw a couple of people today & exchanged a number. My statistics class is driving me up the wall. I may just possibly kill the poor kid that sits next to me. He's so damn obnoxious! GUH! I seriously need spring break like now. I need out of Jersey.

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