Sunday, February 20, 2011

Someone who changed my life.

This red headed kid has completely changed my life. Little does he know. He's my best friend. He's my other half. He's my better half. It's strange to think how we've only known each other for a little over a year & we trust each other with our lives. He's the one person that I go to for everything. He has never told me once I couldn't do anything. He pushes me through everything & tell me to never give up. He pulls me through the mud to get through the worst. & he's always there to pick me up from the ground when I fall. Actually, he never let's me fall. He's always there to catch me before I hit the ground. He's the only one I can cry to. He's the only one I can tell everything to. He's stood by my side since day one & I know he's gonna be around forever. I seriously love this kid more than life itself. It's just the distance that kills us. But I know that one day, we'll eventually be able to have our pizza dates at hockey game with our milkshakes in hand. Seriously, this red head is my hero.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Fall 2011

Yesterday was the best Valentine's Day EVER. I do not celebrate this holiday ever. BUT! I was at Fashion Week! It's been a dream of mine for God knows how long to go to Fashion Week. & I finally had the opportunity to experience this yesterday. I won tickets to see one of my favorites, Betsey Johnson. That was a dream. I had chills the whole time. I was at a loss for words. Plus, I don't think I've ever been hit on so much on my life. & I kinda didn't care for it. I would have much rather been in my boxers laying next someone who means the world to me. But yeah. Being at those tents was amazing. Everything kinda took my breath away. The VIP lounge, the designers, the PRs, the swag bag, the music, the runway, the collections, Betsey; I fell in love with fashion all over again. I knew going there would make me second guess all my decisions that I'm starting to make with my life. I was starting to believe that I was just taking the easy way out & not challenging myself, which is what I love doing. I just can't wait for September so I can make my second attempt of experiencing this fabulous event that makes me numb & in the utter most bliss. Mercedes Benz Fashion Week tents, I'll see you in a couple of months.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Now is not the time to be scared, now is the time to be full of courage."
-- Kelly Cutrone

Monday, February 7, 2011

On to the next one!

There really hasn't been much to day lately. Except I've lost more weight; I went down yet another size. & I like to believe that last week & this weekend had much to do with this. Friday completely sucked. I was sick to my stomach & I didn't eat a damn thing that day. I kept waking up shivering in cold sweat. I haven't been drenched in cold sweat in almost two years. & there was no night terror involved this time. It was complete nerves & stress this time. But that's all over & done with, so I have nothing to necessarily worry about anymore. Oh. & the male population in the Metropolitan area can go choke on something sharp. I can't stand any of you at this moment. Seriously, don't even bro. I'm obviously wasting my time. UGH.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lemon-Lime Gatorade.

It seems to be that I always write in this thing when I have one of my comfort drinks. Yes, people have comfort foods & I have both. It's ironic that the majority of the time when I write in this, I have a cup of coffee in hand. & yeah, that's exactly like why I quoted Death Cab for my title. I feel that people are more honest when they have something that's comforting to them. & mine happens to be coffee but I'm not drinking coffee at the moment. I'm sipping on that nasty stuff they call lemon-lime Gatorade. As of Sunday night, everything has been a downward spiral. I'm not gonna get into Sunday & Monday. I just don't think I have ever been so worried in my life for someone. Anyway. Over the pass couple of days, my life has changed. I lost a pretty lame & shitty friend. A couple of old friends have returned in my life. & life is kinda sticky at the moment. I've literally lost I don't know how many friends in the past year. Not like I'm complaining. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm content with the way my life is. & it's safe to say that all but one of these friendships didn't end on my terms. I guess people can't handle my honest opinion. If you don't wanna heard the truth, don't ask. Simple as that. But it's good that I've cut these people out. They've done nothing but bring me down. I just keep walking with my head held high ninety-five percent of the time. Of course there's a five percent that makes me rethink my life. But honestly I can't complain. I pretty much have all I need: school, my family, my friends, & my lifestyle. & obviously people are too sensitive to handle my mouth. I never hold back. I've never done that in my life. So why start now? I'm just not gonna cater to anyone. I'm not changing my ways to please you. Yep. I've got some serious balls, I know. But then again, I don't have any courage when it comes to be honest with my feelings. I guess it evens out perfectly. But then again, perfection doesn't exist in this life. But yeah, this hell week needs to end. I'm so glad I have Entourage to somewhat clear my mind. It's something about those boys that make me crack up. Plus I have hockey. & we established that hockey is my cure to everything. My uncle needs to get those tickets ASAP so I can be numb again.