Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lemon-Lime Gatorade.

It seems to be that I always write in this thing when I have one of my comfort drinks. Yes, people have comfort foods & I have both. It's ironic that the majority of the time when I write in this, I have a cup of coffee in hand. & yeah, that's exactly like why I quoted Death Cab for my title. I feel that people are more honest when they have something that's comforting to them. & mine happens to be coffee but I'm not drinking coffee at the moment. I'm sipping on that nasty stuff they call lemon-lime Gatorade. As of Sunday night, everything has been a downward spiral. I'm not gonna get into Sunday & Monday. I just don't think I have ever been so worried in my life for someone. Anyway. Over the pass couple of days, my life has changed. I lost a pretty lame & shitty friend. A couple of old friends have returned in my life. & life is kinda sticky at the moment. I've literally lost I don't know how many friends in the past year. Not like I'm complaining. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm content with the way my life is. & it's safe to say that all but one of these friendships didn't end on my terms. I guess people can't handle my honest opinion. If you don't wanna heard the truth, don't ask. Simple as that. But it's good that I've cut these people out. They've done nothing but bring me down. I just keep walking with my head held high ninety-five percent of the time. Of course there's a five percent that makes me rethink my life. But honestly I can't complain. I pretty much have all I need: school, my family, my friends, & my lifestyle. & obviously people are too sensitive to handle my mouth. I never hold back. I've never done that in my life. So why start now? I'm just not gonna cater to anyone. I'm not changing my ways to please you. Yep. I've got some serious balls, I know. But then again, I don't have any courage when it comes to be honest with my feelings. I guess it evens out perfectly. But then again, perfection doesn't exist in this life. But yeah, this hell week needs to end. I'm so glad I have Entourage to somewhat clear my mind. It's something about those boys that make me crack up. Plus I have hockey. & we established that hockey is my cure to everything. My uncle needs to get those tickets ASAP so I can be numb again.

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