Monday, February 7, 2011

On to the next one!

There really hasn't been much to day lately. Except I've lost more weight; I went down yet another size. & I like to believe that last week & this weekend had much to do with this. Friday completely sucked. I was sick to my stomach & I didn't eat a damn thing that day. I kept waking up shivering in cold sweat. I haven't been drenched in cold sweat in almost two years. & there was no night terror involved this time. It was complete nerves & stress this time. But that's all over & done with, so I have nothing to necessarily worry about anymore. Oh. & the male population in the Metropolitan area can go choke on something sharp. I can't stand any of you at this moment. Seriously, don't even bro. I'm obviously wasting my time. UGH.

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