Friday, January 14, 2011

Come hungry, leave happy.

Today was completely unsuccessful. My aunt calls me to run an errand to go to Barnes & Noble. Totally made me happy when she told me that except that she wanted me to get her sex books? Now this wasn't awkward whatsoever. It was absolutely hilarious. My aunt would ask me to do such a thing. Gotta love the woman. But getting those books were scratched out & she wanted me to get this other book that is like nonexistent. So I made a trip down to 54th for no reason. But! On the bright side I got my cupcake from Crumbs! A red velvet cupcake to be exact. My absolute favorite. & after work I made a trip to one of my favorite places in the world, the NHL store. Oh my love for hockey! I went in with the mindset of getting a Penguins hoodie & of course, right next to the Pens hoodie was the Bruins hoodie. I was so indecisive of which to get. On top of that I was unsure of my size. I wasn't sure if I wanted the medium or the large. & it wasn't like I had enough time to try them on. So I got completely frustrated & left the store empty handed. Which I never do! I always leave that store with something in hand. I either leave with some wonderful hockey merch or with a cup of Starbucks in hand. Which the cup of Starbucks didn't happen either because I was so frustrated over the hoodie I was dreaming out all week. So I'm getting this hoodie on Tuesday when I have time to look around & try things on. I don't know which one to get. Knowing me, I'll get both of them. As well, I keep chickening out. I have never in my life chickened out so much. & the worst part about it's with my best friend. I never chicken with this kid in my life. I'm always open with my buddy & never second guess saying anything. But now I am? I don't get this. So if I speak to this child tonight, I'm not gonna chicken out for like the fifth time in a row. But still! I can't believe I'm chickening out. It's kinda bothering me. But on the bright side of all this madness aside from my cupcake, IHOP is for dinner. I'm so excited to have pancakes & egg white for dinner. Every time I go to IHOP it makes me think of the Breakfast Monkey. Best three minute cartoon I have ever seen in my life. But yeah, pancakes & egg whites for dinner equals there's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy.

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